Because I'm feeling kind of lazy, and don't know if I really want to do a drawing today, I'm going to declare today "Throwback Friday". But I would like to post something that you haven't seen before. So I perused through my sketchbook and journal and took a few shots. They are the real drawings where I just let loose and draw for my enjoyment, and not as a means to present a finished piece. So here they are...
I'm going to actually start it out with one that I didn't draw. This is a drawing done by my oldest brother Garry. It's Andy Warhol. I always looked up to him and admired his art when I was young. We both had an art teacher in highschool that really impacted both of us. |
I kind of liked these alien dudes. Might have to develop them more. |
I can't remember which artist inspired this one, but I liked it enough
to try and replicate their technique. |
My oldest son was obsessed with National Geographic magazines, as
his granparents on my wifes side have many in their house. Well my mom found
dozens of them for sale at the local library, so we bought up all of them for 10 cents
each. So in one of my sketchbooks I've been opening up a national geographic, and
drawing what I see. This was a story about the Blood Diamonds and near slavery
conditions in the Congo. |
This is from my journal. I tried a yin-yang symbol using day/night theme.
I thought it turned out pretty good. I should redo it and refine it. |
This is a pencil drawing I did in highschool. I put it in front of this cheap
sketchbook I bought at the dollar store. It's kind of cool to look back on artwork
that was done in the past. |
So over the past 5-6 years, I haven't been cultivating my drawing ability as I should.
But knowing this, I've been still drawing when I can. And those moments, many times, have
been during work meetings. I would like some of the thing I drew, but they were
on notepads. So I cut a bunch of them out, and had my kids help me glue them into my
sketchbook. I had an artist say to me one time, that when you draw something don't just let it end there.
you drew it for a reason, and it should be considered for refinement, and perfecting. So I've
been thinking about that alot with some of these drawings. I need to revisit some of them and
redo them, seeking to perfect them, and possibly further the story the have to tell. |
So that's about it. I know it's not new stuff, but to you it is. I may have to resort to doing this periodically as I don't always have the time, and honestly, the desire to whip something out every day.
I do want to keep a daily drawing as a goal though. It's been really cool to post artwork on Facebook, and have family, and old friends say they want to join in and start posting artwork. I was so inspired by a friend to do this (Mel), and it feels good to possibly get some of my other friends to rekindle their desire to start being more creative than they have been. (You guys know who you are.)
C'mon you guys, you're allowed to comment. Critique, wax philosophic. Do what thou wilt, but join me in your talents. Whether it's music you captured with your iPhone, or art, a recipe, or a thought that you've captured with instigram. Post it here in the comments. And as long as it's in a friendly mutually respectful of our desires to increase our talents and improve our lives, bring it on.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff Dale. I will post more of my stuff. Its good to have mutual inspiration to feed off of. The hardest part is finding a stopping point on a given drawing. I just want to keep going. Im trying to come up with simple one panel illustration s that tell a simple story but dont turn into month long projects.
ReplyDeleteSounds great Brett, we'll just follow what feels right.