Here's another throw back...

So I've been drawing in a cool Facebook group called "One a Day". If you feel like you want to rekindle some of that artistic flame that once shone brighter in your life, you should come over and join. Just search for "One a Day" ( ) mention that you saw my blog that told you to join, and I'll add you (no robots please...not that I have anything against robots, but until you gain total skynet sentience, then no go). Here's the image that you'll see for our Cover Photo: In the meantime, here are some "archived" older drawings that I wanted to post. Enjoy: This is the all seeing eye as found on the dollar bill. I've always been fascinated with Egyptology and hidden knowledge. This was supposed to be a very organic and free flowing hilt of a sword. Can't remember the inspiration for this one. These were more recent, taken from a series of photos of people of the worl...